Glassify™: The science of service.
Everything is becoming Smart'; Smart kitchen appliances, smart wearable, smart homes, smart Cars. Why not a Smart Glass?
Introducing Classify™ — The connected glass.
With the expertise and ability to insert objects into glass, we teamed up with big-data partners Weisbeerger to turn drinking into data. Together we created a 'chip in a glass' enabling a venue serving the drinks to communicate with both the beverage manufacturer and the drinking consumers in real time.
The implications are endless. For example, a beer company can now launch a 'Third Glass On Us' campaign online, with Glassify flowing the data in real time to monitor how the campaign is going, in which cities, in which bars and to what target audience.
A notification can also be sent to consumers who might need a cab home (because that third drink means they shouldn't drive). Equally, Glassify allows them to pre-buy drinks and leave their wallet at home. The chip in the glass keeps track of the tab.
Data is gold. Glassify provides brands in real time with the data they require to strengthen their market position and connect with their consumers at the point of consumption.
The Science of Service for the Perfect Serve.

The Technology of Taste.
The Perfect Serve demands understanding the science of taste and with nearly 100 years of experience in glass manufacturing we have come to understand certain traits in the shape of a glass amplify certain tastes in a beverage.
We broke this down into four main glass Shape Components: The combination of these Shape Components changes the consumer's perceived taste of the beverage served. As a practical example, the SignatureGlass Company of Pasabahce applied this methodology when considering the craft beer trend that was sweeping the U.S. resulting in more than 4,000 local microbreweries, all brewing IPA (India Pale Ale). IPA has a more pronounced flavor profile than the more-popular lagers and pilsners, and yet all of that brewing creativity was being served in the same, basic pint glass. To create a beer glass that amplifies the flavors and aromas of IPA we applied our experience in wine, designing a glass with a concave rim, allowing for better aroma release. The concave rim also allows the beer to slide to the back of the tongue, where the bitter flavor profile is heightened, perfect for IPA.

Wave Ridges for Drink Aeration

Bowl Shape to Enhance Aromas

Swirled Shape for Carbonation

Correct Shape for Scenting and Reaching Tase Buds
The same process may be applied to literally any beverage. This applied methodology has not only stood the test of time but has stood up to pier review and scientific scrutiny. It stands to reason. Systematizing the Technology of Taste allows us to deliver the Perfect Serve.
Nucleation: The Science of Aeration.
We know that brands exist in the minds of consumers and as such, what consumers believe to be true is true. Research tells us that beer drinkers want a beer with a foamy head. This is perceived to emphasize the beer's freshness and fermentation, the antithesis of 'flatness'.
For this reason Nucleation was developed, an etching at the base of the glass that releases CO2 consistently and keeps the head up longer. The downside of this innovation is that where Nucleation succeeds in keeping the head by the accelerated release of CO2, it leads to a beer becoming flat quicker and this problem is amplified when the CO2 is released at the same intensity even when the glass is only half full, further accelerating flatness. Research shows that the first half of a beer glass is consumed more quickly than the rest of the glass. This means Nucleation, for all its benefits, leads to a quick and steady loss of perceived taste.

By moving some of the nucleation from the base to side of the glass at various heights, at the start, when the glass is full the same nucleation pressure is achieved and the foamy head is achieved. However as the beer level decreases and passes nucleation points in the glass, less nucleation pressure is applied and the beer remains foamy yet fresher for longer.
Understanding and applying the Science of Aeration delivers the Perfect Serve.