The SignatureGlass Company is a full-service SignatureGlass business covering design through production. Together with the world’s largest glass manufacturer PASABAHCE, we employ our specialist knowledge to build strong Market Positions for our clients and deliver the Perfect Serve.

We build Strong Market Positions through Glass
We at The SignatureGlass Company are able to do this only because of the unique way our business operates. We believe that the ‘Perfect Serve’ is of the essence for every Beverage Brand and our principles, processes, systems and the culture of our business are geared to delivering better quality SignatureGlass solutions.
This guiding passion and strategic intention allows us the freedom to design signature glassware with no compromise. It puts our production expertise, research and development, heritage and design at the heart of everything we do. It means we only work with like-minded experts, creating designs in glass engineered to transform user experience, to deliver the brand as it was intended; losing nothing, expressing everything.
Our attention to detail is what makes us who we are. It’s the reason we are selected and used by the world’s greatest beverage brands.
We make the glasses that perfectly reproduce the beverage brand promise most loyally, glasses that transform the drinker’s experience, feelings and mood. We are experts in brand engineering because we understand the totality of glass.
We call this the Perfect Serve.
We are The SignatureGlass Company and simply put, We build strong market positions through glass.
What is a SignatureGlass?
A SignatureGlass is a piece of glassware designed, shaped and created in its totality, with the sole purpose of expressing the core values of a Beverage Brand.
So, a SignatureGlass is not just a ‘generic glass’ with a logo. A Signature- Glass is unique to the Beverage Brand, designed and moulded solely for that particular brand. It speaks the Beverage Brand language fluently and makes the core values of the Beverage Brand tangible at the moment of consumption. It differentiates, sets apart and makes the Beverage Brand experience complete. A SignatureGlass crystallizes and encapsulates the very essence of the Beverage Brand and reinforces that brand’s promise to the user.

Why Signature Glass
Every touch point with the customer is a chance to reinforce your unique Brand Promise.
Arguably, the most important touch point is the Point of Consumption. A SignatureGlass differentiates at the Point of Service and Consumption and completes the Drinker Experience, increasing Involvement.
A SignatureGlass creates Brand Depth through a tangible Brand asset.
A SignatureGlass is a Sales Driver, a Promotion ‘Hook’, Driving Awareness and creating Brand Width.
A SignatureGlass is a Key Marketing tool for any serious Beverage Brand.
Simply put... a SignatureGlass delivers the Perfect Serve